Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Finally over it?????

I think I am finally over the Vikings loss on Sunday. As long as nobody brings it up and gets me going again. I still believe Childress should be fired, and tortured in some non-life threatning way. I was thinking paper cuts all over his body and then pouring vinegar on him. Or making him sit in 1st grade so he can learn to use a clock. Better yet he should come over to clean up all the dog shit in our backyard(and the Dians and walleks), since I have had to put up with all the bull-shit coming out of his mouth for the last three years. HMMM...maybe I'm not completely over this yet.



  1. I vote for the cleaning of dog shit!!!

  2. I vote for you to be MORE surly on your blog. I love it! Thanks for making me laugh!!!

    Oh PS..I will remind Ryan NOT to tease you on Saturday. Oh and we are at the Dian's on Saturday, not here.
