Sunday, February 1, 2009

Drunk Blog

So I'm pretty drunk right now. Anything said in this blog cannot be held against me. I really don't know what I'm about to write.......and I don't know if thats good or bad. I think my wife is the greatest person I know(sorry Nick)... I think I should tell her that I think that..oh wait, I guess I just did... I think that Austin/Paco/Smells is a great kid even though he didn't videotape my polar plunge!!!! I think that sometimes I am tough on Smells, but it's because I care. It's tough being a step-dad, but i try to be fair.....I think our dog Randi is the best dog ever, and I treat her like she's our baby.... I learned that Nick can't have a taco unless he has his fancy lettuce.... I like Coors Light!!! I'm still trying to figure out why they didn't review the last play of the super-bowl..... Rumor has it that I throw the best super-bowl party ever....I think I am an emotional guy, I'm not afraid to cry at movies or anything emotional that grabs my heart.....I'm tearing up right now because I'm listening to our song "the day before you" by Rascal Flatts. Did I mention that Jaime is the best person I know....Oh yeah I did....I wish I had a relationship with my daughter. I've tried everything and it's still not enough......I'm watching Randi right now and she is sleeping like a person, she has her head on the pillow and is totally sprawled out. I often wonder how randi is made??? We had a bunch of kids over today and I realy want a baby....I will teach that baby how to videotape a polar plunge....



  1. I love drunk blogging Jeff. Just love it!

  2. You should drunk blog more often.

  3. Oh Jeff... drunk blogging works for you! Oh and thanks for having us for the best Super Bowl party ever!
