Friday, January 16, 2009

Why kids are lazy and stupid.

It's because their parents are lazy and stupid. The kids have no choice because they watch their idiotic parents do stupid ass shit all day. I go to drop the boys off at school and there is a big lineup into the parking lot. I sat there and watched as car after car dropped their kid off at the door, one at a time. God forbid you pull up a little farther so three cars can drop there kids off at the same time and make your obese kids walk an extra 10 feet. Yesterday at the Y, there were two guys talking right in the doorway to the locker room. So I stood there and they acted like it was an inconviencene to move so I could get in, and also to get out. Fucking morons. Then there are the parents that have no clue. When you go to the sate fair or a sporting event and these idiots walk diagonally with a dumbass look on their face. And don't even get me started on popcorn chompers at the movies. I could go on and on, but that's enough for today.