Thursday, February 12, 2009

Darwin would be 200 today.

The mastermind behind the theory of evolution would be 200 today. I saw a poll today that says that only 39% of americans believe in evolution. It still boggles my mind that so many people do not believe in evolution. Then we wonder why our country is on a downward spiral. Some people say that evolution is just a theory, guess what, so is fucking gravity. The people who don't believe in evolution argue that they just have a different BELIEF. It would be like me saying that I believe that women get pregnant by ants who carry little bitty babies into their wombs at night. No, I don't have any facts to supprt it, don't need to, it's my BELIEF. The main people who disagree with evolution are the church goers. I have no problem with people who go to church, I often attend myself. It can be a good experience, and it does make you think about things. But just because I attend doesn't mean I HAVE TO BE AN IDIOT. I still have a brain. I guess that's why I attend a church where they deal with more real life issues.
