Tuesday, December 30, 2008

God I hate Donna Martin

I like to watch the old school 90210. It's on at 4 and 5 on the soap network. Donna Martin makes me so mad. Every scene that has her in it, my blood pressure starts to rise and I just want to kill her. If she wasn't on the show, it would still be on. Yesterday she was caught in an outdoor fire, but wouldn't leave this stupid little deer that I guess was just roaming around Beverly Hills. Of sourse some great looking fireman saves her and they fall in love, and then I have to watch her be all googly goo. And today she gets all mad and motherly towards David and tries to ruin his trip to Vegas. From now on, when she comes on, I'm going to switch it to sports center.


  1. OMG. Like I can't believe you don't like Donna Martin. Like who doesn't. Like what are you thinking. Like OMG. Do you want to go rollerskating?

  2. I LOVE that I thought I was reading Jaime's blog and not that of a full grown man for a second. You rock Jeff.

  3. Ah...dude...uh...huh...listen...whatever...NICE HANDLE BARS!

  4. I hate her guts too. Saving the deer was one of the few positive things she ever did! Granted it was wrong for Ray to throw her down the stairs, though. Valerie should have done it, then bitch-slapped her whiny, whimpery little ass bloody! Now THAT would have been great!!!
